So this is a picture of Miley Cyrus in the new Vanity Fair, shot by Annie Lebovitz. It was reportedly meant to be "artistic," but now Miley says she's embarrassed at how it turned out. I am a fan of Annie Lebovitz's work and can see the intended artistic value in this. I'm even not completely opposed to Miley Cyris. I saw her movie (for a school studies is a great major) and she's actually a really good performer and a cute girl. I have no problems with my younger cousins being fans of hers. However, the way she has been marketed is really problematic. She's oversexualized and this picture is clearly a continuation of that sad trend. She's only 15! I feel like this is bordering on kiddie porn, which is so sad not only for her, but for her fans too. Photo shoots like these aren't going to help matters. Fifteen is too young to be doing "artistic" shots like this.
It has to be possible for kids to be celebrities and not whores or drug addicts. DJ from Full House did it...granted she was the only 1 of 4 Tanner kids not involved with whorism or drugs, but she shows it's possible.
Come on young Hollywood, get your act together! And young Hollywood parents, start using better judgment! Please!
Remember the exhilarating Canadian couple who made the spectacular video to prove that they could make a similarly high-quality video movie just for you? Well, they are back with even more spectacular productions!
First up, we have a gripping interview with the charismatic couple by some joker from MetaFilter who surprisingly makes about the same caliber videos as Fred and Sharon. It's a little slow, but bear with'll be glad you did.
Frankly, I was shocked at the beginning of this video because based on what we saw last time, I was convinced that Sharon was in a perpetual state of sleepwalking (though her laugh is still a little dreamlike, and not in the good way). Immediately following, I was again shocked to learn that she "looks after her appearance" because she actually looks like she could be sleepwalking. Good thing she's drinking that coffee.
At last we get to the exciting stuff: their next project. Fred gives some great details about what to look forward to, and don't worry, it's coming up below.
Then Fred takes over the interview, getting to what's really on his mind: Van Gogh's "fascinating" pre-suicide activities. Luckily for us, Fred has no plans of offing himself any time soon. He seems quite content to kill the rest of the world through overwhelming stimulation.
So here we have that much anticipated, touching video by the amazing Fred. Don't be surprised if that sounds like a great magician name...he will keep you spellbound and mesmerized friends.
I really don't even know what to say about that. Although I'll be honest, I kind of stopped listening to what he was saying when the snake started creeping in from the bottom. Something about troops? I don't know. Clearly the snake was the most important thing he wanted us to pay attention to. I did manage to catch Sharon's off-screen voice telling him to read the last part again. I'm really glad they left that in there.
But honestly, that snake graphic really was the best thing in the world. The fact that it's tongue had eyes on the end? Amazing! Then when Sharon and Fred showed up in the eyes just turning from side to side? Magnific! But then when they told me not to do drugs? I about died. I sure wasn't expecting that.
This couple needs to move down south because they would take America by storm! Give them a reality show stat! It would be so painfully awful it would be hilarious!
How do kids come up with those clever clever names for their "naughty" body parts? Maybe their TV shows have something to do with it. You maybe didn't notice the dirty things you were hearing at the tender age of 4, but I'll bet that our parents were having a chuckle at more than a few of our favorite characters' names. For example, let me (re)introduce you to:
HottyBotty Hen
Boober Fraggle
The Dingers The Honkers
Dr. Feel (the muppet is on the right) Easy Pete (probably more disturbing because he isn't a muppet) Hard Head Henry Harris Moe Cocker Sherry Netherland Spotted Dick Tita (my favorite picture) and possibly my favorite name...
Lubbock Lou and his Jughuggers
More fun names:
Big Head Billy Bones Crankshaft Doozer Dicky Tick Henry Sackbutt One-Eyed Jack Surelick Bones
Seriously, I'm not convinced that the people who make children's programming aren't doing this on purpose. They have to get bored making educational and wholesome shows for little kids. This has to be their plan to keep themselves and the parents sane.
In my recent post about celebrities and their hilarious promiscuity, I failed to include an important pair of celebrities who apparently are doing the dirty. Please revisit the post and enjoy the amendment.
An art student in Vancouver has painted this Waldo on a roof in hopes that people will try to find it on Google Earth. And she is encouraging other people all over the world to do it too. I love Google Earth and this should make it even more fun.
This is one of the best ideas anyone has ever had. EVER.
Just how many times does MTV plan on reairing the Real World Awards show? Don't throw a hissy fit because you like the Real World and enjoyed the special. I enjoy the Real World too, probably not as much as other people because it took me a long time to get into it and I'm not familiar with all the "classic" cast members, but I can appreciate the fandom. And I even enjoy seeing occasional reruns of certain shows. (I'll admit that I've watched each season of America's Next Top Model probably at least 6 times each) But the award show? Drama, fun, reminiscing, seeing everyone after years...all great. But I'd say for about 3 times. Tops.
Is MTV really that hard up for programming? They have Made, True Life, actual episodes of The Real World, Gauntlets, Infernos, and that gem of a show The Hills as well as other "reality" shows.
But I know I'm forgetting something...hmmmm...what can it be? I feel like it's really's right on the tip of my fingers...ugh...what is it?
I know!! MUSIC! What happened to the music on MTV, once know as MUSIC TELEVISION? Yes, music plays in the background of all their shows, but that also happens on every other show on television! I'm not going to get up at 7AM to catch the 2 hours of music videos on MTV every morning.
I don't think I'd mind if they put some of the reality reruns on then, and played the music videos during the day. At least I might see something I haven't seen 7 billion times before.
First of all, I have to tell you that I am a huge fan of Sarah Silverman. I know she can be a little offensive and inappropriate at times (mainly every time she does comedy), but it is just so funny.
So just in case you haven't seen it by now, below I have her video where she tells Jimmy Kimmel and the world that she is f*cking Matt Damon. That alone is hilarious, but after that, I have also included a parody video for your viewing pleasure. It was clearly done by a fearless comedic genius as only they could have enough guts to successfully manage a parody of a Sarah Silverman production.
Also, as was brought to my attention by my good friend Mitch, I had neglected to include Jimmy's response to Sarah's confession. It really is hilarious on many levels. I love that it's Ben Affleck because we all know that Matt and Ben have some sort of special relationship, but I also love it because it is not only a parody of the original "I'm f@cking (name of famous person)" but it also parodies "We Are the World" in a horribly fantastic way.
I enjoy media and criticizing it. So occasionally I see things that make me think, "Hey, I have a strong opinion about this. I need to tell people what I think." But then they usually don't know what I'm talking about and my clever observations and sarcastic remarks are lost on them. Thus, I've created this blog where I can vent and rant whenever the mood strikes and get the pent up sarcasm off my chest. Also, I felt the need to do something trendy and I don't like iced coffee.