Take Crucifix Cheesus.

1. The Battle of Gettysburg
2. Submarine
3. A Sock
4. The Battle of Gettysburg
The website also tells you the estimated value of your Cheeto look-alike. The Gettysburg one will get me $$$ on eBay. Just in case eBay or your greedy friends looking to share your new-found fortune need hard evidence before supporting your venture, the website also provides you with downloadable proof. Here's mine for the answer I got half the times I tried:

Not the best quality, but there's the so-called proof. I guess the Cheeto is supposed to be the guy in the left corner? Whatever. It might be fun to make this the official standard by which all eBay look-alike snacks are judged. People might be a lot less crazy about it, because, maybe, just maybe, they would realize how ridiculous this whole thing is in the first place.