And I'm sure I've mentioned it before, but I love love love Tina Fey as Sarah Palin. I love tina Fey in general, but if this will boost ratings of her show 30 Rock, I'm all for exploiting this character as much as possible until the election. Tina Fey love aside, I love the fact that this website has reference to Tina Fey. (Look for it when you find Katie Couric) Also, the way she chooses baby names I'm sure has to be close to her real method. Her commentary was also dead on. I might be a little sad when Palin falls off the face of the global warming earth into the arms of a hugging God after Nov. 4. It will surely be a dark day for comedy, but I'm willing to sacrifice that in exchange for a presidency that doesn't make me want to move to Canada before the United States dies.
Also, I am now just 1 degree away from being able to just straight up laugh in her face and ask the hard-hitting, important, two-part question that I think journalists like my new friend Charlie Gibson have yet to ask: "Really Sarah Palin? Are you serious?" I mean, the whole nation has to be on Pop Fiction or Punk'd or something. For reals. Where's Ashton?

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