But I'm also watching just because this is a big election and it's important and I want to keep abreast of what is going on and it's interesting to hear people analyze the strategy behind every move. So, you can imagine the frenzy that came with the announcement that John McCain is going to choose Sarah Palin, yes a woman, as his VP running mate.

Here is the speculated strategery behind McCain's choice.
1) She is a woman. Can we say "Hillary supporters"?
2) She is 44. McCain is 659. Ok, not really, but today is his 72nd birthday. Can we say "sugar daddy"? I mean, a trophy wife and a trophy VP? Come on dude.
3) She is anti-abortion. How do we know? She has 5 kids. No, just kidding, that's not their proof, but she does have 5 kids. Their proof comes in the fact that she was recently pregnant, found out the baby was going to have Down's Syndrom, and went ahead and had the baby anyway! Well good for you Mrs. Palin, you're not a horrible monster! This is the most ridiculous argument I have ever heard in my life and I can't believe they actually said anything about it. They actually just said she is a "hero" in the eyes of the pro-life community. I cannot even begin to tell you how despicable I think this is.
Of course, there are criticisms as well.
1) She's young and inexperienced. She's only been governor of Alaska, yes Alaska, for 2 years. Besides that, McCain, 72. Four years, 76. He would be the oldest person elected President. Should anything happen, we would have a 2-year Alaskan governor running the country. I feel the Republicans will suddenly stop their criticisms of Obama's inexperience...
2) Her son is a soldier set to go to Iraq in the coming months and her baby has Down's Syndrome. Can she be objective about the war, care for her other 4 children, and be able to give her special-needs child enough attention while being the VP? Here's a question: would anyone have even thought about these questions if McCain's choice was a man with these same issues? I feel very safe in saying a definite no.
So if news outlets let go of the anti-abortion thing, I think I could totally get on board with this. Her accent makes me laugh and she can take some amazing photos. If we should have to look at McCain for four years, I think the occasional Palin picture could keep me entertained.

1 comment:
And she is currently under investigation of abuse of power by trying to get a State Highway trooper fired, when the guy wouldn't fire the trooper, she fired the guy.
Turns out the trooper is her sister's husband who are currently going through a big divorce.
I think McCain just shot himself in the foot..
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