Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Who would win?

I think I should start this as a semi-regular-whenever-something-like-this-comes-up segment here on the old blog. It's thought provoking and entertaining and sometimes you need to see a little conflict. I doubt any will be as intense as the epic and controversial battle between Maggie and Stewie, but I guarantee this one is wildly more pointless. More pointless? Whatever. It's way less important.

So here are this segment's contenders:

The Cheeto Jesuses!
On the left, we have what looks like a crucifix Jesus Cheeto from Missouri, and on the right we have a praying? Jesus Cheeto from a youth pastor in Texas around Easter time. I've already discussed my feelings on people who think their snack foods look like things, so I won't get on my snack box and start preaching again. And I'm not even sure in what sense these Cheesuses ('s word, not mine) would be fighting because I would imagine that a Jesus vs. Jesus battle would be pretty evenly matched. So let's go with a look-alike contest.

I think they both have their strongpoints. Both look like Jesus in fairly iconic positions, though lefty is probably more recognizable as righty doesn't really look like he's kneeling; it kind of just looks like his legs end at the knee. However, righty does have the street cred being found by a youth pastor on Easter. But here's the downfall with righty: sideways, it looks like a lion. I suppose if you get all Biblical that would also be a plus, but if we're finding Jesus in Cheetos, I'm not sure there's room for multiple layers. Overall, I think lefty really has the overall advantage of being a crucifix. I mean if you eat that Cheesus (sacrelige!), chances are it'll come back in 3 days. It has staying power!

Winner: Crucifix Cheesus

I could "W"atch this all day

Really. I can't believe this is actually a movie. Oliver Stone's "W." is pretty much a dream come true. I don't think you can even make fun of it because it does such a great job all by itself. Although I do have to point out the quick scene with Condoleezza Rice looks like she's just sitting there thinking "What can you do? That's just Dubya" while sighing and shaking her head. "That's just Dubya" should have been the title. It opens all kinds of doors for a spin-off sitcom..."Wonder what's going on in the wacky world of W? Watch this week to find out!" And the show should have as much alliteration as possible. W should also star as himself. He's going to need something to do after this 8 year vacation he just had. Plus it'd be great watching him try to do the alliteration because you know he'd think he was doing it when he's way off and no one would tell him he was doing it wrong.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Bitches Be Crazy...

Someone please just take all technology away from Miley Cyrus. Better yet, take it away from all the Disney kids because this is just nothing but trouble all the way. Someone really needs to tell them that unlike other people who post random rants on youtube, people will actually watch what you have up and you will face backlash. It's part of being a celebrity in a technological age where your fans are the most tech-savvy age group. People are going to watch this and think you're a bitch, and that isn't good for you have enough problems.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

It's a close one...

A recent conversation brought up a very intriguing question that I don't think has an easy answer and I can't believe I haven't thought about before: Who would win in an all-out brawl between Maggie Simpson and Stewie Griffin? I'm sure this question has been asked before given the many, many parallels between the two shows, but I feel fairly qualified to throw in my two cents on this throw down.

In keeping with tradition of ladies first, let's start with Maggie. A number of years ago, America debated and placed bets all summer long in anticipation of who shot Mr. Burns in The Simpsons cliffhanger season finale. Who would have thought it was Maggie? The youngest Simpson's inability to speak (only ever saying "Dada" and "sequel" as a baby) and ability to not arouse suspicion affords her the element of surprise, allowing her to sleep with a gun under the pillow of her crib, just in case her dad should get in trouble with the mafia on their front lawn.

Stewie on the other hand has never been subtle about his plans for world domination or desire to kill his mother. He has tried to kill her in numerous episodes, but poor timing, bad aim, or the rare good parenting always gets in the way. The most infamous of his threats come to fruition was recently when he actually followed through (sort of) on his murderous plot. He followed his parents onto a cruise ship and shot Lois at the rear of the boat where she fell overboard and was lost at sea and presumed dead, at least until she burst into the courtroom Kool-Aid Man style, pointing to her youngest as her attacker. Turns out the whole thing was a virtual reality simulation of said events, voiding all that transpired.

So the score so far I think goes in Maggie's favor, since she actually shot someone while Stewie's gun battle was fantasy. Let's look at more minor events for further evaluation. Both babies have other baby arch-nemeses: Maggie has the unibrow baby Gerald, Stewie has half-brother Bertram. To my knowledge, I don't believe Maggie and Gerald have ever done anything more than exchange menacing looks, but Stewie used his immense brain power to shrink himself and enter Peter's body to destroy what would become Bertram. They inadvertantly become pseudo-friends and Stewie lets him live to become a specimen at the sperm bank, and they eventually resume their rivalry outside the womb. I'd say this round would go to Stewie since he is showing more determination in dealing with the enemy.

So while Maggie has the experience, she lacks malicious intent. Stewie has the drive, but lacks follow through. Both have above-average planning skills for other children their age: Maggie organized a Mission:Impossible-esque crusade to retrieve pacifiers for an entire daycare, Stewie built a machine to alter the weather in an effort to prevent broccoli from growing just so he wouldn't have to eat it.

Taking all of this into account, here is my conclusion. In a no weapons battle, I'd go with Stewie since he can walk consistently without falling down. In a shootout, my money would be on Maggie since she has more experience and better aim than Stewie. If the babies are allowed to choose their weapons though, it has to be Stewie simply because he has a mind for inventing deadly devices. In the end though, they are still both babies and in any prolonged battle (which this would be since they are so evenly matched) they would probably both get tired and the match would end not with a victor, but with a nap.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I had no idea America had SO MUCH talent!!

Who would have thought America's Got Talent would uncover such an undiscovered talent? I mean really, this woman's talent is out of proportion with the rest of the country. She would have been a huge asset to the show and I can't believe the judges wouldn't let her hang around for the rest of the show...

Ok I'll stop now. Just watch the video below to see this woman's immense talent for yourself.