Friday, February 13, 2009

Who would win?

It's back friends! The happens-whenever-something-like-this-comes-up segment is back. And it's a doozy, inspired by an entry at Dlisted. Today's match-up:

Billy Mays vs. Vince the ShamWow Guy
*Ding Ding*

Round 1: Yell-off. Let's be honest, Billy Mays would win hands down, no questions asked. Done.

Round 2: Sales pitch. Here's where Billy's trademark voice gets him in trouble. He's just so freaking annoying that I haven't heard the name of any product he's sold since OxyClean. Vince is still annoying, but at least he's not yelling at me. He wins this round.

Round 3: Appearing under the influence of drugs. Billy yells and sells like he's on crack and needs you to buy his product so he can get another fix. Yet Vince, with that face and pointy hair, could pass as some sort of cracked-out reptile. It's a close one, but I'm going to have to give the edge to Vince here because of how he rocks that headset. It's a TV commercial Vince. You don't need it. But he's wearing it anyway. There's no one on the other end except the voices of the infomercial gods. It adds that little extra crazy, so I'm giving this round to Vince too.

Round 4: Physical fight. You might be quick to jump to the conclusion that Billy would win because he's bigger. That might be true. He also has a larger array of products at his disposal he could use in a fight. BUT, Vince only needs his towel to absorb all those chemicals Billy's throwing at him. All Vince has to do is wait until Billy's out of ammo, then throw the ShamWow at him. With all the stuff that's in there something's bound to explode on impact. Even if it doesn't, the smell of those chemicals will kill him within seconds. (Vince would be fine. Remember? Cracked-out reptile. You think Amy Winehouse has any sense of smell left?) I'd give the edge to Vince.

We have a winner! Final score: Billy Mays 1-Vince 3

Feel free to argue, but I'm going to stick with it.

I never thought I'd say it, but my children are never going to date

This is why.

That kid is that other kid's father. That's right, FATHER. Alfie (a totally mature name for a father) is a whopping 13 years old. His child was conceived with his 15 year old girlfriend when he was 12. What did they do? Pass a note to each other?

Do you want to have a baby with me?
Circle one
Yes No Maybe

I'm pretty sure that's how relationships generally went when I was 13. Besides the fact that this kid looks like he's really about 8 and is only 4 feet tall, the best part is the commentary from Alfie & co.

His dad commends him for taking responsibility saying "He could have shrugged his shoulders and sat at home on his Playstation. But he has been at the hospital every day." That will last for about 2 seconds until the next Grand Theft Auto game comes out...which by the way I don't think he's old enough to buy without an adult.

His baby mama had this to say: "We didn’t think we would need help from our parents. You don’t really think about that when you find out you are pregnant. You just think your parents will kill you." Alfie also said "When my mum found out, I thought I was going to get in trouble." Yeah, if you are worried about getting grounded for being pregnant, I'm pretty sure that's a sign you're too young to have kids.

Alfie, who is apparently a gold mine of soundbites, also had this to say: "I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10." Ummm, buddy, I hate to break it to you, but that's not going to cut it. That won't even cover one of your Playstation games.

Honestly, my first thought when I read this was that it couldn't be real. I mean, the story is just so outlandish and these quote are just too perfect to fuel criticism (my head about exploded when I read these people's insight into the situation), and in all honesty, I really hope it isn't true and it's some sort of Friday the 13th prank or something. The kid does sort of look like Eddie Munster. But however chilling Eddie Munster was supposed to be, it is NOTHING compared to this.